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Athletic Affair

18th November 2023                                                                                                  Pune

Athletic Affair makes the viewer intrigued, curious, sportive and above all part of a community.

India Art Fair

1st - 4th February 2024                                                                                   New Delhi

Ayuka - The ultimate celestial chase

In the realm of races, games, or contests, there's an inherent structure with a clear start, hard stop, and subsequent scoring, introducing elements of restriction, bias, and polarity. The dichotomy of faster-slower, good-not-good, winner-loser emerges, creating a dynamic that can feel limiting.

Yet, within us all lies an enduring hope for improvement. Both victory and defeat serve as motivators to persist, with the exhilaration of winning triggering a dopamine rush and the sting of loss fueling the belief in redemption. Despite the influence of grading and scoring, participants remain committed to the path, creating a continuum across diverse events, locations, people, sports, and situations. This collective persistence imparts a sense of boundlessness to the overall experience.

When we shift from competition to play, a different narrative unfolds. Absent specified start and end times or a final goal, the experience becomes infinite, fostering exploration without constraints.


3rd - 24th May 2024                                                                                             Mumbai

The pair of shoes stands as a silent witness to the rhythmic pulse of athleticism. Paint, like emotions, cascade through the fractures as a visual tribute to the relentless dedication of those who engage in play. Compelling viewers to embrace playfulness and spontaneity, the juxtaposition of sturdy concrete and flowing paint is a reminder that even in the most rigid of circumstances, there exists an opportunity for liberation and expression. Viewers engage with the sculpture exploring the interplay between strength and fluidity, movement and stillness. Beyond the surface, a profound truth reveals itself: within the realm of sport, we discover vitality – allowing ourselves to be consumed by the fluidity of movement and the boundless spirit of the games.

मार्केटयार्ड स्टूडियो

कलाकार खेलों में खेल के विचार और एथलेटिक मामलों के संबद्ध पहलुओं - जीतने में पूर्ण उत्साह, लक्ष्य के प्रति कट्टर दौड़ या शरीर को उसके टूटने के बिंदु तक धकेलना और फिर भी, खेल के आनंद और मासूमियत को याद रखने के लिए अपने एथलेटिक इतिहास से प्रेरणा लेते हैं।

बचपन से ही खिलाड़ी रहे इस कलाकार ने अनुशासन, ध्यान, प्रेम, सम्मान और दृढ़ता के मूल्यों को कैनवस पर उकेरा है। उनकी कृतियाँ खेलने के लिए उकसाने का काम करती हैं, "चाहे यह कितना भी मुश्किल क्यों न हो, अपने आप को खेलने देना या कम से कम खेलने की कल्पना करना बहुत ज़रूरी है।"





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